How to prepare your business for a sustainable future

Join us for the next L@C speaker lunch, with David Laurent, who will speak on how to prepare for a sustainable future.

Time to book your participation now.

David is head of Climate and Resources for Entreprises pour l’Environnement (EpE). The EpE is a think-tank created to help companies face future climate and sustainability challenges. An impressive list of major French companies are members of the EpE. See the membership list here:

David will talk about the challenges they are tackling and their specific approach to help large companies grow more sustainable processes and adapt their business model to future requirements that will leave Earth in good condition for future generations.

You can find more information about the Entreprises pour l’Environnement here:

Next L@C lunch:

  • Date: Monday September 18
  • Time: You’re welcome from 12.00. We sit down at the table at 12.30.
  • Place: you will receive info when you book.
  • Speaker:
    • David Laurent
    • Head of Climate and Resources for Entreprises pour l’Environnement (EpE).
  • Fare: 48€, you get a two-course lunch (main + desert) with wine (or water) and coffee (when you book, please let us know food allergies in advance)

Book now!

If you are interested in attending this lunch event, please contact me.

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